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By: Sampair Group

Five Celebrity Divorce Secrets

Arizona Divorce Law

If you are a superstar there is likely very little about your life that the general public does not know. The unfortunate part about this is that much of the information published is questionable, and not every piece of data comes from a reliable source. Because so many people follow their favorite actor or actress, especially during life changing circumstances such as marriage or divorce, it is interesting to look at how the lives of the rich and famous compare and contrast with our own. While celebrities frequently engage in activities most of us are not able to do, there are some life events that are common to people from all walks of life. Divorce is one of these areas, and even though the stars are subject to the same family laws as you and I, there are some differences.

Five things you may not have known about celebrity divorces include:

• The timing of a divorce filing by a celebrity is dictated by the press. In years past it was a good idea to file on a Friday, but in more recent cases filing around a holiday has seemed to draw less attention to the case.
• In heavily star populated Los Angeles County; the documents filed are public record. This means the information contained in the divorce papers are easily accessible to tabloids and other media outlets.
• The decision to file two cases at one time can work to keep attention off of both filings. When more than one high profile case is filed at the same time it is hard for the press to keep up with both matters. This can lead to a decrease in the intensity the media gives a case.
• A common tactic among the stars is to hire a private Judge to decide their issues. This helps with privacy concerns and can keep the case out of the public eye.
• Aside from filing around the holidays, most stars file their cases after the awards season ends. This gives them someone to attend events with as well as helps to keep the rumor mill at a standstill.

We understand celebrities are not the only types of couples that seek privacy during their divorce, and we work hard to take whatever steps are available under the law to protect your right to privacy. In some cases this might mean seeking a protective order over sensitive information or documents, or asking that the Court seal the record. Whatever your needs, we are here to help. If you are considering divorce or have been served with divorce papers, call our office today.

For more information about marriage and divorce, consult a qualified legal professional. Let us put our experience to work for you. Call The Sampair Group in Phoenix and the West Valley today to schedule your appointment.